8 Pieces to Positive Pie Consciousness

We invite into our lives what we are thinking about.  That’s the Law of Attraction in action.  So if you are thinking positive things, you attract them.  Yah but how do you prevent yourself from going down to the shadow side of yourself where dark thoughts lurk and negative thoughts bubble up?  Create a Positive Pie for yourself!


The Positive Pie is a Tool or Strategy to help you on your journey to shifting your thinking.  A friend taught me this some time ago as something she had read.  I’m sorry I don’t know the original source.  It certainly has helped me to reframe loads of stuff!


Step 1:  Draw 2 circles with a small circle in the middle and the larger circle outside … like a pie only a circle in the middle.


Step 2:  In the inner circle put the FEELING you want to manifest in your life. 


Step 3:  In the outer circle, divide it up into 8 pieces of the pie.  Depending on what I’m doing, I’ve created a template for an 8 piece pie.  I label each of the pieces 1 to 8. 


Step 4:  I then write in each piece where I already have that feeling I want to have pervade my life.  For me, feelings of contentedness and joy in being on my path was a huge destination.  That went in the smaller centre circle of my pie.


Step 5:  In each of the outer pieces I then jotted down WHEN, WHERE I already experience that feeling or that energy.  Whenever negative thoughts crept in, I grab my pie and read where in 8 different places I already know I have that positive energy.  It literally waters down the negative feeling since you KNOW you already are doing it. 


Step 6:  I then tell myself to STOP thinking in the negative and again reread where I already have this manifest in my life. 


Step 7:  It is when we focus our energy on the positive that we will bring more of the positive into our lives.  So I ensure that this feeling is something I have on my monthly vision board.


Step 8:  Reread affirmations you create for yourself around this feeling starting with the words, “I Intend”.  The word “intend” resonates at a higher energy frequency.


Step 9:  As much as is feasible or possible, tie your intentions to the energy of the day.  I write about the energy generated from both the movements of the Sun and the Moon on my astrology blog. 


Here’s a picture of your Positive Pie!  Mercury is retrograde and I’ve been trying to get the picture to insert for over half an hour.  You’ll have to go to my media for the picture, as I simply do not have any more time to devote to blog writing this morning.


Laugh-a-Flow with the Universe!

Let’s increase the Love and vibrant energy of the planet!

Hugs and love from the Universe.



For more information on dealing with the energy around life, love and relationships, visit my blog at  www.astromoon.wordpress.com.  If you are on a spiritual journey, you might also want to explore my website at www.moonwomenspirituality.com.

8 Pieces to Positive Pie Consciousness Strategy

We invite into our lives what we are thinking about.  That’s the Law of Attraction in action.  So if you are thinking positive things, you attract them.  Yah but how do you prevent yourself from going down to the shadow side of yourself where dark thoughts lurk and negative thoughts bubble up?  Create a Positive Pie for yourself!


The Positive Pie is a Tool or Strategy to help you on your journey to shifting your thinking.  A friend taught me this some time ago as something she had read.  I’m sorry I don’t know the original source.  It certainly has helped me to reframe loads of stuff!


Step 1:  Draw 2 circles with a small circle in the middle and the larger circle outside … like a pie only a circle in the middle.


Step 2:  In the inner circle put the FEELING you want to manifest in your life. 


Step 3:  In the outer circle, divide it up into 8 pieces of the pie.  Depending on what I’m doing, I’ve created a template for an 8 piece pie.  I label each of the pieces 1 to 8. 


Step 4:  I then write in each piece where I already have that feeling I want to have pervade my life.  For me, feelings of contentedness and joy in being on my path was a huge destination.  That went in the smaller centre circle of my pie.


Step 5:  In each of the outer pieces I then jotted down WHEN, WHERE I already experience that feeling or that energy.  Whenever negative thoughts crept in, I grab my pie and read where in 8 different places I already know I have that positive energy.  It literally waters down the negative feeling since you KNOW you already are doing it. 


Step 6:  I then tell myself to STOP thinking in the negative and again reread where I already have this manifest in my life. 


Step 7:  It is when we focus our energy on the positive that we will bring more of the positive into our lives.  So I ensure that this feeling is something I have on my monthly vision board.


Step 8:  Reread affirmations you create for yourself around this feeling starting with the words, “I Intend”.  The word “intend” resonates at a higher energy frequency.


Step 9:  As much as is feasible or possible, tie your intentions to the energy of the day.  I write about the energy generated from both the movements of the Sun and the Moon on my astrology blog. 


Here’s a picture of your Positive Pie


Laugh-a-Flow with the Universe!

Let’s increase the Love and vibrant energy of the planet!

Hugs and love from the Universe.

 For more information on dealing with the energy around life, love and relationships, visit my blog at  www.astromoon.wordpress.com.  If you are on a spiritual journey, you might also want to explore my website at www.moonwomenspirituality.com.

Love Yourself Bridge Strategies

It’s time for you to remove your mask.  You know what I mean!  It’s the mask you put on when you leave your home.  It’s the mask you put on every time you interact with another human being.  It’s the mask you have chosen to paint over the real you.   My question is, do you remember who the real you is?


Here’s what I know to be true.  God doesn’t make any junk (Ethel Waters).  So the true inner you is an angel of light and beauty.  Therefore you are the star of your soul’s parade.  It’s time for you to let your own personal light shine through that mask you have been wearing. 


So it’s time to strip away your mask and rediscover who the true you is.  I’m asking you to re-discover yourself to become the self actualizing person you came to this earth to become.  It’s time for you to go into Your Sacred Safe Place deep inside yourself and figure out your cornerstone belief system.  How can you do that?  Look to your mind-body-spirit-emotion connection


Find out what brings you happiness and joy in each of those cornerstones that form the foundation of who you came to be this lifetime.  Once you cross the bridge into being your true self, you get to strip away all the chaos from your life.  You are on your true path to manifesting the real you!  Your energy will connect with others who are vibrating with the same type of energy you are vibrating with.  Angels will come into your life out of seemingly nowhere.  Ah, doesn’t that feel better? 


Bridge your fear.  Step out of your fear shadow.  Step into the sunlight.  Let your personal light shine.  Love yourself.  Be yourself Yes you can … strip away those masks! Cross your bridge from fear to love and become the person you intend to be!


Reflection Questions!  Use one to four adjectives to describe each part of your fundamental self.

  1. My body is _____
  2. My mind is _____
  3. My soul is _____
  4. My main emotion is joy and happiness.


Affirmations and Intentions:  I intend to live a life I deserve.  I am living a life of joy and happiness. 


To be nobody but yourself

in a world which is doing its best day and night

to make you everybody else,

means to fight the hardest battle

which any human being can fight, and

never stop fighting.

(e.e. cummings)


Dance with the ancient wise ones in the Moonlight!

Wee!  Slide down a rainbow on your magic carpet!

 Let’s increase the Love and vibrant energy of the planet!

Hugs and love from the Universe.



For more information on dealing with the energy around life, love and relationships, visit my blog at  www.astromoon.wordpress.com.  If you are on a spiritual journey, you might also want to explore my website at www.moonwomenspirituality.com.

Water for Life July 25

Water for Life!  All living beings on the planet require water to live.  Yin-Yang; water on the outside equals emotions on the inside.  Water represents our deepest emotions according to many dream analysts and psychologists including Jung and Freud.  When we work to preserve and protect water in our world, we also are preserving the health of our own emotions.  Each of us has a responsibility to do what we can, since we are all related and connected.


Water for Life Global Ceremony

Water for Life Global Ceremony

 One of the things you can do is during your own meditation on July 25, 2009 join voices around the globe praying for health of water on this planet.  Raise your own health vibration and the vibration of the planet! (thanks to Mira for the picture from her blog!)  See this website for additional information on Dr. Masaru Emoto’s Mission in Life http://www.thank-water.net/english/main.htm.  What an angel he is!



 One drop of water represents a spiral.  For those of you interested in sacred geometry, you know how important that is.  Either we spiral up spiritually and emotionally, or we spiral down.  Your prayers and meditation help not only yourself, but also everyone else around you.  That is one of the ancient spiritual laws.  It now is being espoused by those in quantum physics.  Spiral up towards global consciousness!


Come and sip from Life’s Nectar.  Pluto shift is here.  Change is here.  Transformation is here.  Yes you can! Break open your egg shell and shift towards your new found freedom!  Help make this earth a Sacred Safe Place for all.


Reflection Questions! 

  1. What is one ACTion you can do to help heal water? 
  2. What is one ACTion to help heal your emotions?


Affirmations and Intentions:  I intend to have an attitude of gratitude every time I see a body of water. I AM grateful for the healthy water I drink.




Wee!  Slide down a rainbow on your magic carpet!

Let’s increase the Love and vibrant energy of the planet!

Hugs and love from the Universe.

Hope Heals Stepping Stones

I frequently hear how Hope heals much of what ails us.  The old song “High Hopes” that we learned as kids attests to that.  But does it?  I believe Hope is merely the first stepping stone to making a choice to spiral upward with your life.


According to Dr. David Hawkins research, Hope resonates with an energy factor of 310.  Affirmations resonate lower than that with 200.  So the first stepping stone needs to be an affirmation.  The second stepping stone after saying the affirmation is that of Hope.  Actually Hope, Intentions and staying Optimistic all resonate with a factor of 310.  So all three of these stepping stones are closely linked together.


In order to spiral up, one has to move to the next level of Acceptance, Forgiving and Harmony.  These feelings vibrate with a 350 level.  They would be the next stepping stones.  In this way you can transform yourself to choosing a Meaningful Wisdom direction through Reason and Understanding.  Each of those words vibrate with a 400 level. 


When one has a revelation about a situation and can see the situation through the eyes of Love and Reverence, one vibrates at a 500 level.  This is the next stepping stone.


However, to truly arrive at a point of Joy or Serenity, one has to feel Complete within oneself.  Then you are vibrating at a 540 level.  You feel at ONE with the world.  You are able to meditate and know you are connected with all things on this planet.  Since you are part of the hologram that makes up the ONE, you truly love all people and events and things that help keep this earth together. 


It is when you have that understanding that We Are All Related, you will find your illumination and will be filled with Peace towards all beings.  Then, and only then, will you have reached your destination of resonating at a 600 level.


Reflection Questions! 

  1. At what level are you at least 50% of your awake time?
  2. How can you choose to move consciously to the next level of stepping stones?
  3. When do you think would be a great time to begin?
  4. Take the first step towards having Peace in your life!


Affirmations and Intentions:  I intend to fill my personal world with peace.




Wee!  Slide down a rainbow on your magic carpet!


Let’s increase the Love and vibrant energy of the planet!

Hugs and love from the Universe.



For more information on dealing with the energy around life, love and relationships, visit my blog at  www.astromoon.wordpress.com.  If you are on a spiritual journey, you might also want to explore my website at www.moonwomenspirituality.com.

4 Steps to Create Your Joy

We truly should work and play in things that bring us joy and passion to our lives.  I believe the reason we have dis-ease in our lives is simply because we do not allow ourselves to experience more of the things we love.  Or dis-ease enters because we are emotionally focused on negative feelings instead of focusing on positive feelings of people and things which we are passionate about. 


Simplistic? Perhaps.  However, understand truly the universe is all about energy.  If you choose not to empower yourself and engage in more positive energy, then that is your choice, not only for today, but also it resonates with your future.  So wouldn’t today, when the Sun is in Cancer and the Moon is in Pluto be a terrific day to begin focusing on the very things that you are passionate about?  Today with a Grand water trine to Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron is the time of expansion in the areas that will help to heal your soul, your spirit, your body and your mind


What are you passionate about?

What are you passionate about?

I was saddened when I heard a friend say he has waited for his retirement to indulge his passion of playing the saxophone.  He couldn’t make a living at his music passion, so he joined the military.  He’s about to be shipped to Afghanistan and has one more year to retirement.  Will he ever allow himself to enjoy?  I was saddened by a farmer’s wife who told me they have saved and waited all their lives to travel and enjoy life.  They have worked very hard for their golden years.  Now in their 70’s, their health does not permit them to do the things they always dreamed of doing.  Why wait?


You and Joy today?  Yes!  Have a butterfly transformation!  Open the box around your heart and let your joy fly freely around you.  Don’t you owe it to yourself?  Here’s your road map and 4 Steps to Create Your Joy today!


Reflection Questions! 

  1. What are four positive feelings you want to manifest in your life?
  2. When do you normally feel those same feelings? Reflect on who, what is in your life that helps you to have those feelings.
  3. How can you re-create those feelings of joy and passion today?
  4. Will you create Moments of Joy for yourself everyday?


Affirmations and Intentions:  I intend to create Moments of Joy in my life today.  I intend to focus on things that I am passionate about.

Yes I can!

Yes I can!


Wee!  Slide down a rainbow on your magic carpet!


Let’s increase the Love and vibrant energy of the planet!

Hugs and love from the Universe.

For more information on dealing with the energy around life, love and relationships, visit my blog at  www.astromoon.wordpress.com.  If you are on a spiritual journey, you might also want to explore my website at www.moonwomenspirituality.com.

Intentions Faster than Speed of Light

Do you wonder at the Law of Attraction and how it works?  Do you wonder why affirmations and intentions work? Do you wonder why the power of prayer works?  It all has to do with the Mind-Body-Spirit connection which is faster than the speed of light! 


A few years ago, I set out to investigate the science about something I had heard. I had listened to a whale researcher talk about something that puzzles the whale scientists.  It puzzled them how the same type of whales AROUND THE WORLD all head back to their original homes on EXACTLY the same day.  How could that possibly be?  How could the whales be communicating with one another to say “it’s time to head home from their winter birthing grounds” ?  The scientists who are extreme specialists in their fields of whale biology do not know. 


Quantum physics has the research and the answers.  Quantum physics is the study of tiny, wee particles that are in each cell of every living body.  That means plant, animal and human living cells.  According to several of the scientific articles I have read, including scientist, Gregg Braden, it seems that every plant cell in the same species is connected telepathically to every other plant cell of the same species.  It is a holographic universe after all.  When an experiment is done on the single plant, other plants of the same species register the exact same results, even though they are separated by thousands of miles.  In other words, the plant that is being experimented upon is telepathically telling all its brothers and sisters what is happening in an instant play-by-play.  The lack of time lag is mystifying the scientists.


Similarly, when you FEEL something your feelings are telepathically going out to all other humans on the planet.  The feelings are the key to all this for both plants, animals and humans I believe.  When we have a strong feeling it is the trigger point for the entire species. 


Therefore, when you are praying for a specific person, all those who choose to prayerful people, feel that prayer at the nano-cellular level and instantly also are praying for that person.  Hence Miracles Happen!  Doctors can’t explain it.  However the research clearly shows that people who are prayed for generally tend to get better quicker.


Not only that, but the research clearly shows that if less than 1% of people have a consciousness about something, then there is a change that occurs.  For example, 1% of a city were brought together to pray for less violence in that city.  The statistic evidence showed that while they were in a state of prayer, there were fewer violent crimes committed, fewer crimes generally committed, etc.  A few hours afterwards things returned to normal for that city.  However it did show the power of consciousness when applied to a specific thing, could change the outcome.


So what do you pray for?  What are you intending?  This tells me that my daily conscious intentions for myself and the people I love work at the sub-microscopic nano-cellular level.  While I cannot change anyone else’s behavior, I can influence them simply by holding a strong feeling in my heart. They will feel that feeling as well.   But the people I’m intending that feeling for still have to choose to act on that feeling that will come over them.  I have no control over that.  We each have the freedom to make choices and act on our own behalf. 


So monitor your feelings carefully.  Reframe the negative feelings to positive ones for a healthier mind-body-spirit connection for yourself, for the people you love and for other human beings.


Affirmations and Intentions:  I intend to monitor my feelings carefully.  I intend to reframe every negative feeling so I can find the positive lesson in the situation.


Dance with the wee folk in the Moonlight!

Wee!  Slide down a rainbow on your magic carpet!


For more information on dealing with the energy around life, love and relationships, visit my blog at  www.astromoon.wordpress.com.  If you are on a spiritual journey, you might also want to explore my website at www.moonwomenspirituality.com.

Angel Dimes of Hope

angels surround us

angels surround us

We all have angels in our lives.  Angels who have passed over to the other side often leave signs that their energy is still around us.  Indeed, while their physical bodies may be gone, their spirit lives on.  While there are many signs, the Dimes of Hope are one of those signs.






A friend of mine did not believe in heaven.  “There is one life on this earth and that was it.  We return to dust”, she told me years ago.  Then her mother, whom she adored, died.  All of a sudden dimes were showing up in the weirdest places.  For example one day when I was visiting her, she wiped off the kitchen table and then sat down to enjoy a cup of coffee.  A dime showed up on the just-wiped off table where she put her coffee mug. 



Apparently this grandmother used to stash dimes in her piggy bank.  When her grandchildren came to visit, she was always giving them dimes to buy themselves some penny candy or other little treat.  Grandma would take out a bunch of dimes to purchase those treats.  Her twelve children and many grandchildren associated dimes with Grandmother.  So it is natural that Grandmother would reach out to her family from life beyond this earth to reassure them that she was okay.  Her daughter became a believer of life after death.



The other day, another friend spotted a dime when I was with her.  She had recently moved and was stressed about the move to a new town and a new job.  Coincidentally she kept finding these dimes all around her new location.  She told me these dimes were being sent by her mother to reassure her it would be okay.  She said this was an old Irish belief system.



It is important to remember that when people we love die, they are just on the other side of the doorway.  Perhaps we can’t see them and perhaps we can.  My sensitive sister sees our father frequently when she needs to ask his advice on something.  This has reassured her immensely.  I don’t see people who have passed over, but I frequently will hear their voice with wise words whispering in my head.  I find it strange as I will catch glimpses of my animal friends who have moved to another world, but I don’t get to see people.  Other people will have them come in their dreams and appear as if they are very real and can be touched.  However the angels come to visit you, they are real and their message is clear.  There is life beyond this earthly life.   


Reflection Questions! 

  1. Do you see angels who have passed over?
  2. Do you hear angels who have died?
  3. Do you dream of people who have left this earth?
  4. Do you smell the people’s unique smell when they are gone?


Affirmations and Intentions:  I intend to being open to the angel messages.



If we had no winter,

the spring would not be so pleasant;

if we did not sometimes taste of adversity,

prosperity would not be so welcome.

(Anne Bradstreet)

Hugs and love from the Universe.



For more information on dealing with the energy around life, love and relationships, visit my blog at  www.astromoon.wordpress.com.  If you are on a spiritual journey, you might also want to explore my website at www.moonwomenspirituality.com. 

Love Life, Love Water

Water is life on Planet Earth.  We truly need to understand the value of water in our lives.  We also need to honor water on our planet.  We truly need to love the water that goes into our bodies.  You see approximately 85% of our body is made up of water.  Is that a coincidence that Planet Earth has approximately 85% of her body being made up of water?  I don’t think there is any such thing as coincidence in the design of our higher power, by whatever name you choose to call her or him. 


Dr. Emoto was the first scientist to understand the power of telling water we drink that we love it.  The wise ancient ones knew this. When we honor water, the crystals in the water virtually change and the water is better for our bodies.  So Dr. Emoto is raising global consciousness by taking his message around the world to honor our lakes, our rivers, our oceans as well as the water we drink.  http://www.hado.net/ 


Dr. Emoto one Youtube.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkbpXRSIUnE&feature=related



When you understand the power of your positive words through Dr. Emoto’s research, you also understand the energy and power of your words on the people you love.  Begin with yourself and the self talk in your head.  If you do not love yourself, how can you possibly love anyone else?


Then understand as well the power of your emotions and feelings when you choose to cook meals for your family.  Only serve them food cooked with love.  If you are upset or angry or any other negative emotions when you are preparing a meal, you truly are changing the energy of the food your family is eating.  That also is one of the reasons why home cooked meals are best.  You are thinking of your family and how you can best feed their bodies.  Frankly I believe the reason there is an increase in dis-ease around the world is because we are not honoring both the water and the food we take into our bodies.  By eating junk food, fast foods and restaurant foods we are not filling our bodies with love energy.  Simplify your life and cook more meals at home. Be an angel to your family and cook with Love!


I also believe the next “gold” standard around the world will be good drinking water.  Start purifying your food and the water you drink by saying a prayer of thanks and a prayer of gratitude before you put it into your body. 


To find out how much fresh drinking water is in your country click here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WaterdistributiononEarth


According to Dr. David Hawkins, when you think, feel and say the word “Love” sincerely from your heart, you are vibrating at a 500 level.  Our ordinary state of being is at a 200 and negative words in our minds, our hearts and thoughts vibrate below a 200.  Hello!  Make the energy connection.  Change your thoughts, change your feelings and act on vibrating at a higher level today!


Reflection Questions! 

  1. When was the last time you told food you were grateful?
  2.  When was the last time you told water you love it?
  3. What percentage of time are you thinking positive thoughts when you are talking to people you love?
  4. How frequently are you using the word “Love” spoken from your heart? 


Affirmations and Intentions:  I intend to tell water and food that I love it.

4 Lessons Live Life with No Regrets

Honor yourself. Honor your intuition. Honor your feelings. When you choose to live life honoring your feelings, you choose to live life with no regrets. 


Many years ago, I lived a life full of hidden emotions.  I didn’t want anyone to know how I felt and learned to adopt a poker face so that no one could read my emotions.  I was the person everyone else turned to with their raw emotions and their problems.  I was unable to share my own.  After all, I was supposed to be the strong one for everyone else.  How wrong I was.  I did not honor my own feelings! 


As a result of keeping myself tightly bound up in my cocoon of emotional protection, neither the bad feelings nor the good feelings could leak out into the outer world.  What lessons I had to learn!  Along came an angel friend who gently guided me to the loving world of Leo Buscaglia when she gave me his book Love.  There were several lessons for me to learn.  You see, others perceive me as striding forward confidently throughout life.  Inside myself, I was a quivering mass of jello fears, shaking that someone might discover the truth of who I truly was.  As a result I lived with plenty of regrets at not telling people in person how I honestly felt about them.  Oh I wanted to, but I was so afraid of their reaction.  I held back and stayed in my fear cocoon.


So here are the four main lessons I learned from Leo Buscaglia that may helped me on my journey. 


4 Lessons to Live a Loving Life


  1. Love myself enough to honor my feelings.
  2. When I care for someone, to tell them I care for them. 
  3. When I need a reassuring hug, hug someone else so we both feel great!
  4. Tell everyone you care about specifically what they mean to your world.


The last one is kinda like the warm fuzzies.  If someone has done something that gives me the warm fuzzies, I tell them I appreciate them for doing ___.  They feel good.  I feel good.  Win-win energy to go around!  My wise father used to say “You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.”  Fortunately I learned those lessons well decades ago.  When people have left the earth to become angels, I know in my heart I have told them exactly what they have meant to me.  I live life with no regrets.


That’s how you feed your own energy and that’s how you help to feed others positive energy.  We all need to be needed.  We all need to be appreciated.  We all need to hear that others are grateful for something we have done for them.  Therefore we need to let others know when we are grateful.  Allow yourself to experience the joy in life you so richly deserve.  You see this grows your happiness and joy bubble of bliss!  So be an angel to someone in your world every day!


Reflection Questions! 

  1.  Did you smile at yourself in the mirror today?
  2. Tell yourself at least four ways you already experience joy and happiness in your life.
  3. Who needs to hear that you love and appreciate them?
  4. Who in your world needs a hug?


Affirmations and Intentions:  I intend to honor my feelings.  I intend to live a life with no regrets.


To love others, you must first love yourself ….

You can only give to others

what you have given to yourself.

(Leo Buscaglia)


Take a chance on Life’s Dance!

Live a life with No regrets!


Let’s increase the Love and vibrant energy of the planet!

Hugs and love from the Universe.



If you are on a spiritual journey, you might also want to explore my website at www.moonwomenspirituality.com.  For more information on dealing with the energy around life, love and relationships, visit my blog at  www.astromoon.wordpress.com.