
Happiness is your choice. 

Joy is your choice. 

Contentment is your choice. 

What is the difference among them?  They are a sandwich around your heart. The three make the perfect combination.  But you know what?  Any two of them are tasty as well. 

Contentment is the underlying melody running in every heartbeat you have.

Happiness is the words you hear in your heart and in your self talk.

Joy are the moments you stop the world and allow yourself to live in the NOW.


Empower yourself and experience the happy sandwich.  You increase the number of  Joyful Moments you experience daily.  You get to choose this as a habit!  Angel blessings from the universe!!

2 Responses to “Happy”

  1. mara Says:

    Yes , it is all a choice.

    I choose, well-being , love, peace, harmony , peace of mind, truth and beauty .


  2. sherrieh Says:

    Thanks Mara. I’m right beside you smiling across the ocean. We have manifested those attributes in our personal lives. Now we have to work on the world!

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