Color Your World!

Your Universe is all about energy. When you are synchronized with the energy around you, you truly FEEL better.  That’s why understanding the Moon transits are so important as they color our world with a different energy as Moon dances through her monthly cycle.

I’ll be packing this morning getting ready for a three day run to the city and leave shortly after writing this blog.  When I understand Moon energy while I’m away, it is easy to decide on what clothes to take.  I learned a long time ago that if I would wear the colors of the Moon sign shifting through the heavens, I simply feel a whole lot better.  That’s the mind-body-spirit-emotion connection.  For example today, the Moon is in Leo so if I wear red, then I will be synchronized with that Leo fire energy.  However, tomorrow the Moon shifts to Virgo, so some shade of green is more appropriate.  Simple.  I pack two colors then.

Last year I tried to be efficient with packing for the 2 weeks we were away on holidays.  I took only my two favorite colors of pink and blue.  It was a disastrous experiment that I will never repeat.  I felt uneasy many days, for no good reason other than the colors, I was wearing were not in synchronization with the Moon’s glow.  This year, I know at the very least, I have to have colors that go with fire, earth, air and water.

I’m hearing some of you nay sayers, telling me I’ve totally lost my mind marbles.  Most of you are men.  So you especially need to listen up and learn.  People are ultra sensitive to color when they don’t even know it.  Psychologists have known this for years.  Whole businesses have developed around the color industry as a result.  Here’s what we know to be true. 

Just wearing a color next to the skin changes a person’s demeanor.  Having someone sit on a specific color, changes their behavior.  For example, most fast food restaurants have brightly painted reds and oranges on the walls and on their seats.  Why?  Well people get antsy with red and orange so they won’t stay in the restaurant very long.  That helps turn over customers more quickly.   Most modern day prisons have learned to use pink walls where the prisoners are likely to congregate the most.  Why? Because pink literally softens people and calms them down. They become less aggressive.  So real men can wear pink!

My hubby and I are high energy people shimmering with red fiery energy.  I have colored our entire house to be in different shades of blues, greens and purples.  Why?  So that when we are home we are totally in calm, relaxation mode.  Reds, oranges and yellows just turn us on and spins us around so that we are zooming with our thoughts and with our actions.  I won’t even allow red orange or yellow flowers in the house!  If I have to be extra assertive, I wear red.  Watch out for those Red Hat Society ladies!

Now you ask me and I tell you it has to do with energy.  Each color vibrates with a different frequency.  Each color is attached to your chi energy or your chakra energy.  Even by carrying crystals in your pocket with the color of the day will help you be on your way to being in synchronization with the Moon energy.  Men, your shirts and ties will do it for you!  For heaven’s sake watch out for the color of your underwear!

Now that you understand people’s psychological underpinnings, Color your world with the Moon’s flow.  You’ll be happier when you do!  Oh yah … Moments of Color Joy!

Reflection Questions! 

  1.  Do a one month Lunar Cycle test and see how the Moon shift in color affects your behavior and feelings.


Affirmations and Intentions:  I intend to wear colors in synchronization with the energy flow of today. 

When you’re ‘happy for no reason,’

you bring happiness to your everyday experiences

rather than try to extract happiness from them.

It’s not that your life always looks perfect –

it’s that however it looks, you’ll still be happy!”

(Marci Shimoff)

Brief updates on Twitter at: .   For more information on dealing with the energy around life, love and relationships, visit my blog at .  If you are on a spiritual journey, you might also want to explore my website at

4 Ways to Tell New NOW Stories

Is there a secret to moving your life forward in a more positive direction?  Do you choose to tell New Now life stories?  Are you still telling old stories? People who stay mired in the past tell old stories, five year old stories, ten year old stories, twenty year old stories.  Nonetheless, they are mired in the past.  They do not realize they are new people every day.  There is new energy around them literally every day.   Our bodies totally regenerate every 7 years.  However the Moon shifts every two days bringing us new emotional energy every two days.   Please confine yourself to telling two day old stories!  Then at least you are synchronized with your own personal emotional shifts


It boggles my mind to find that so many people live in the achievements of their past.  That tells me they do not feel successful in moving forward with today. Instead they remained bogged down or mired in the muck of yesterday’s story.  Hello … that’s old news for your life.   How about the glorious achievements of today?  Every day your life should be filled with New NOW stories that you can share with others.  The Law of Energy Attraction and quantum physics tells us that what we focus on is what we manifest for our lives.  If you are focused on yesterday’s story, you will never move forward with today’s story or your life story for tomorrow. 


Yah but how do you change yourself to do this?  Here are 4 strategies to begin telling your today’s stories. 


  1. Examine your day and find a humorous story about your actions.
  2. Find something that touched you emotionally today.
  3. Reframe your day looking for something positive that happened to you.
  4. Decide you have angels in your everyday life.  Who was your angel today?


Reflection Questions! 

  1. Are you telling New NOW stories for your life?
  2. Is your energy focused on the positive experiences of your life? 


Affirmations and Intentions:  I intend to focus on telling today’s positive Life Story.


“If you think you have a problem,

accept that your belief systems (thoughts),
are giving you trouble, not the world.”

(Larry Crane)


Let’s increase the Love and vibrant energy of the planet!

Hugs and love from the Universe.

 Brief updates on Twitter at:  For more information on dealing with the energy around life, love and relationships, visit my blog at .  If you are on a spiritual journey, you might also want to explore my website at

8 Pieces to Positive Pie Consciousness

We invite into our lives what we are thinking about.  That’s the Law of Attraction in action.  So if you are thinking positive things, you attract them.  Yah but how do you prevent yourself from going down to the shadow side of yourself where dark thoughts lurk and negative thoughts bubble up?  Create a Positive Pie for yourself!


The Positive Pie is a Tool or Strategy to help you on your journey to shifting your thinking.  A friend taught me this some time ago as something she had read.  I’m sorry I don’t know the original source.  It certainly has helped me to reframe loads of stuff!


Step 1:  Draw 2 circles with a small circle in the middle and the larger circle outside … like a pie only a circle in the middle.


Step 2:  In the inner circle put the FEELING you want to manifest in your life. 


Step 3:  In the outer circle, divide it up into 8 pieces of the pie.  Depending on what I’m doing, I’ve created a template for an 8 piece pie.  I label each of the pieces 1 to 8. 


Step 4:  I then write in each piece where I already have that feeling I want to have pervade my life.  For me, feelings of contentedness and joy in being on my path was a huge destination.  That went in the smaller centre circle of my pie.


Step 5:  In each of the outer pieces I then jotted down WHEN, WHERE I already experience that feeling or that energy.  Whenever negative thoughts crept in, I grab my pie and read where in 8 different places I already know I have that positive energy.  It literally waters down the negative feeling since you KNOW you already are doing it. 


Step 6:  I then tell myself to STOP thinking in the negative and again reread where I already have this manifest in my life. 


Step 7:  It is when we focus our energy on the positive that we will bring more of the positive into our lives.  So I ensure that this feeling is something I have on my monthly vision board.


Step 8:  Reread affirmations you create for yourself around this feeling starting with the words, “I Intend”.  The word “intend” resonates at a higher energy frequency.


Step 9:  As much as is feasible or possible, tie your intentions to the energy of the day.  I write about the energy generated from both the movements of the Sun and the Moon on my astrology blog. 


Here’s a picture of your Positive Pie!  Mercury is retrograde and I’ve been trying to get the picture to insert for over half an hour.  You’ll have to go to my media for the picture, as I simply do not have any more time to devote to blog writing this morning.


Laugh-a-Flow with the Universe!

Let’s increase the Love and vibrant energy of the planet!

Hugs and love from the Universe.



For more information on dealing with the energy around life, love and relationships, visit my blog at  If you are on a spiritual journey, you might also want to explore my website at

8 Pieces to Positive Pie Consciousness Strategy

We invite into our lives what we are thinking about.  That’s the Law of Attraction in action.  So if you are thinking positive things, you attract them.  Yah but how do you prevent yourself from going down to the shadow side of yourself where dark thoughts lurk and negative thoughts bubble up?  Create a Positive Pie for yourself!


The Positive Pie is a Tool or Strategy to help you on your journey to shifting your thinking.  A friend taught me this some time ago as something she had read.  I’m sorry I don’t know the original source.  It certainly has helped me to reframe loads of stuff!


Step 1:  Draw 2 circles with a small circle in the middle and the larger circle outside … like a pie only a circle in the middle.


Step 2:  In the inner circle put the FEELING you want to manifest in your life. 


Step 3:  In the outer circle, divide it up into 8 pieces of the pie.  Depending on what I’m doing, I’ve created a template for an 8 piece pie.  I label each of the pieces 1 to 8. 


Step 4:  I then write in each piece where I already have that feeling I want to have pervade my life.  For me, feelings of contentedness and joy in being on my path was a huge destination.  That went in the smaller centre circle of my pie.


Step 5:  In each of the outer pieces I then jotted down WHEN, WHERE I already experience that feeling or that energy.  Whenever negative thoughts crept in, I grab my pie and read where in 8 different places I already know I have that positive energy.  It literally waters down the negative feeling since you KNOW you already are doing it. 


Step 6:  I then tell myself to STOP thinking in the negative and again reread where I already have this manifest in my life. 


Step 7:  It is when we focus our energy on the positive that we will bring more of the positive into our lives.  So I ensure that this feeling is something I have on my monthly vision board.


Step 8:  Reread affirmations you create for yourself around this feeling starting with the words, “I Intend”.  The word “intend” resonates at a higher energy frequency.


Step 9:  As much as is feasible or possible, tie your intentions to the energy of the day.  I write about the energy generated from both the movements of the Sun and the Moon on my astrology blog. 


Here’s a picture of your Positive Pie


Laugh-a-Flow with the Universe!

Let’s increase the Love and vibrant energy of the planet!

Hugs and love from the Universe.

 For more information on dealing with the energy around life, love and relationships, visit my blog at  If you are on a spiritual journey, you might also want to explore my website at

Spirituality Rule of 3 Coincidences

Green lights are on!  In the Law of Energy Attraction, there is a rule to help guide us.  That Rule is when three coincidental events happen that appear related, pay attention!  This directs us to the next thing we should be doing. 


First Event:  Recently a friend gifted me of some things his son, an ESL teacher, sent from China. I like them primarily because they are made of blue and silk. 


Second Event:  A friend send me some information on how Tai Chi is related to astrology which I’m passionate about.   


Third Event:  My hubby gave me two lovely balls in a padded wooden box painted with a Sun and a Moon.  They have very distinct ring tones to them. 


This all happened over the course of a two week span.  I felt strongly that I needed to check into what these mysterious balls were.  Why would they be in our remote northern part of Canada?  I found out they are called Chinese Medicine Balls.  When I delved further into the historical background, I was led to investigating Tai Chi. 


Conclusion:  I’m supposed to start doing Tai Chi for my health.  I’m grateful to the Universal Force which led me to pertinent websites that will help guide me in the study of the philosophy of Tai Chi.  For you yoga folks and alternative energy folks, this is definitely tied in Kundalini and Zero Point Energy.  Any of you who might have helpful information, I would be grateful for it!


Reflection Questions! 

  1. What are three events that appear as coincidences in your life?
  2. What conclusion can you draw from these coincidences to the direction on your roadmap of life?


Affirmations and Intentions:  I intend to do Tai Chi exercises every day.  I intend to continue my research and studies into the mind-body-spirit-emotion connection. 


You cannot change anything in your life with intention alone,

which can become a watered-down, occasional hope

that you’ll get to tomorrow.

Intention without action is useless.”

(Caroline Myss)


Chance or the Dance of Life and Ancient Wisdom?

Dance with the ancient wise ones in the Moonlight!

Write your own Life Song

You are your own  song writer. 

You are your  musician. 

What song are you going to write for your day today? 

What melody do you want playing in your background? 

You get to choose!  Empower yourself!

Peace in my heart

Peace in my heart

Thankful for Thursday

The end of the week is almost here.  Have an attitude of Gratitude!  Here’s something to help you out.  Many blessings!

Thursday thankful heart

5 Steps to True Wealth & Abundance

There are 5 simple steps to the Law of Creating a True Wealth mentality in the Law of Attraction.  They are all within your power to manifest today. 


  1. When we are rich in our relationships, we are wealthy.
  2. When we surround ourselves with angel friends we have found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!
  3. When we learn to love ourselves we have found the purest of gold.
  4. When we treasure the time we have with those we love, we have found true abundance.
  5. When we choose to look for the magic, hope and joy in life, we have arrived at a life worth living. 


Plan for Moments of Joy and Happiness in your life.  It’s not magic.  It’s all within your control!  So empower yourself  with the Law of Energy Attraction!


Many blessings!


Affirmations and Intentions:  I intend to be grateful for the wonders in my life.  I look for the good in every action.  I live in the magic of NOW.  I AM wealthy!


Dance with the wee folk in the Moonlight!

Wee!  Slide down a rainbow on your magic carpet!


For more information on dealing with the energy around life, love and relationships, visit my blog at  If you are on a spiritual journey, you might also want to explore my website at

Intentions Faster than Speed of Light

Do you wonder at the Law of Attraction and how it works?  Do you wonder why affirmations and intentions work? Do you wonder why the power of prayer works?  It all has to do with the Mind-Body-Spirit connection which is faster than the speed of light! 


A few years ago, I set out to investigate the science about something I had heard. I had listened to a whale researcher talk about something that puzzles the whale scientists.  It puzzled them how the same type of whales AROUND THE WORLD all head back to their original homes on EXACTLY the same day.  How could that possibly be?  How could the whales be communicating with one another to say “it’s time to head home from their winter birthing grounds” ?  The scientists who are extreme specialists in their fields of whale biology do not know. 


Quantum physics has the research and the answers.  Quantum physics is the study of tiny, wee particles that are in each cell of every living body.  That means plant, animal and human living cells.  According to several of the scientific articles I have read, including scientist, Gregg Braden, it seems that every plant cell in the same species is connected telepathically to every other plant cell of the same species.  It is a holographic universe after all.  When an experiment is done on the single plant, other plants of the same species register the exact same results, even though they are separated by thousands of miles.  In other words, the plant that is being experimented upon is telepathically telling all its brothers and sisters what is happening in an instant play-by-play.  The lack of time lag is mystifying the scientists.


Similarly, when you FEEL something your feelings are telepathically going out to all other humans on the planet.  The feelings are the key to all this for both plants, animals and humans I believe.  When we have a strong feeling it is the trigger point for the entire species. 


Therefore, when you are praying for a specific person, all those who choose to prayerful people, feel that prayer at the nano-cellular level and instantly also are praying for that person.  Hence Miracles Happen!  Doctors can’t explain it.  However the research clearly shows that people who are prayed for generally tend to get better quicker.


Not only that, but the research clearly shows that if less than 1% of people have a consciousness about something, then there is a change that occurs.  For example, 1% of a city were brought together to pray for less violence in that city.  The statistic evidence showed that while they were in a state of prayer, there were fewer violent crimes committed, fewer crimes generally committed, etc.  A few hours afterwards things returned to normal for that city.  However it did show the power of consciousness when applied to a specific thing, could change the outcome.


So what do you pray for?  What are you intending?  This tells me that my daily conscious intentions for myself and the people I love work at the sub-microscopic nano-cellular level.  While I cannot change anyone else’s behavior, I can influence them simply by holding a strong feeling in my heart. They will feel that feeling as well.   But the people I’m intending that feeling for still have to choose to act on that feeling that will come over them.  I have no control over that.  We each have the freedom to make choices and act on our own behalf. 


So monitor your feelings carefully.  Reframe the negative feelings to positive ones for a healthier mind-body-spirit connection for yourself, for the people you love and for other human beings.


Affirmations and Intentions:  I intend to monitor my feelings carefully.  I intend to reframe every negative feeling so I can find the positive lesson in the situation.


Dance with the wee folk in the Moonlight!

Wee!  Slide down a rainbow on your magic carpet!


For more information on dealing with the energy around life, love and relationships, visit my blog at  If you are on a spiritual journey, you might also want to explore my website at

Joy is Creating Your Reality

We create our own world and our own reality.  The Law of Energy Attraction, Quantum Physics and current psychological research is all proving that.    If you don’t like your reality, then start the work on changing it!  Empower Yourself!  I write about the timing of events so that you can be more in control of your personal universe.  I truly want to share the gift of changing the consciousness of this planet to being the peaceful Sacred Place I want in my life. 


So therefore, the things you currently live with, you have attracted into your life.  If you are full of fear, then the very things you fear come into your life, giving you the opportunity to address your fears.  Once you face them, you no longer have to worry about that fear any more.  Otherwise the thing you fear the most will keep on coming back until you address it.  Pluto shift.  Deal with your fear and transform yourself!


I’ve been working on creating my own Heaven on Earth for some time now.  I still have a way to go to paint the picture of what it is that truly makes me happy.  What brings me joy?  What do I want out of life?  It is only then that I can create my own unique Sacred Safe Place.  Be an angel to yourself and start creating your Heaven on Earth Today!


Affirmations and Intentions:  I intend to be full of joyful energy today.  I intend to consciously create Moments of Joy in my life today.    


Turn your face to the sun,

and the shadows fall behind you.

Maori proverb


“Each man is the architect of his own fate”

~ Appius Claudius Caecus


Dance with the wee folk in the Moonlight!

Wee!  Slide down a rainbow on your magic carpet!