4 Steps to Create Your Joy

We truly should work and play in things that bring us joy and passion to our lives.  I believe the reason we have dis-ease in our lives is simply because we do not allow ourselves to experience more of the things we love.  Or dis-ease enters because we are emotionally focused on negative feelings instead of focusing on positive feelings of people and things which we are passionate about. 


Simplistic? Perhaps.  However, understand truly the universe is all about energy.  If you choose not to empower yourself and engage in more positive energy, then that is your choice, not only for today, but also it resonates with your future.  So wouldn’t today, when the Sun is in Cancer and the Moon is in Pluto be a terrific day to begin focusing on the very things that you are passionate about?  Today with a Grand water trine to Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron is the time of expansion in the areas that will help to heal your soul, your spirit, your body and your mind


What are you passionate about?

What are you passionate about?

I was saddened when I heard a friend say he has waited for his retirement to indulge his passion of playing the saxophone.  He couldn’t make a living at his music passion, so he joined the military.  He’s about to be shipped to Afghanistan and has one more year to retirement.  Will he ever allow himself to enjoy?  I was saddened by a farmer’s wife who told me they have saved and waited all their lives to travel and enjoy life.  They have worked very hard for their golden years.  Now in their 70’s, their health does not permit them to do the things they always dreamed of doing.  Why wait?


You and Joy today?  Yes!  Have a butterfly transformation!  Open the box around your heart and let your joy fly freely around you.  Don’t you owe it to yourself?  Here’s your road map and 4 Steps to Create Your Joy today!


Reflection Questions! 

  1. What are four positive feelings you want to manifest in your life?
  2. When do you normally feel those same feelings? Reflect on who, what is in your life that helps you to have those feelings.
  3. How can you re-create those feelings of joy and passion today?
  4. Will you create Moments of Joy for yourself everyday?


Affirmations and Intentions:  I intend to create Moments of Joy in my life today.  I intend to focus on things that I am passionate about.

Yes I can!

Yes I can!


Wee!  Slide down a rainbow on your magic carpet!


Let’s increase the Love and vibrant energy of the planet!

Hugs and love from the Universe.

For more information on dealing with the energy around life, love and relationships, visit my blog at  www.astromoon.wordpress.com.  If you are on a spiritual journey, you might also want to explore my website at www.moonwomenspirituality.com.

Passion & Sacred Places

I truly believe we have to rediscover what our passions in life are.  It is only by knowing what your passion is that you can understand what makes you happy.  It is by knowing what your passion is that you can understand what brings you joy.  It is by understanding yourself, your passions, your happiness and your joy that you can follow the trail to your bliss.  Passion, happiness, joy, bliss are all sacred places within your soul.  You can visit there any time and feel at peace within yourself.  How on earth can you possibly achieve your potential, your talents and your gifts you came to share this time around if you have never discovered them?



I am dumbfounded when people cannot tell me even one thing that they are passionate about.  My challenge to you is to discover 4 things you are passionate about in 2009.  You see my goal is to create a sacred place on this planet.  If you are living in your personal world with passion and deliberate intent to be happier, to be more at peace within yourself, you create a better world not only for yourself, but for each living being on the planet.  When you are happy, the entire earth sings because of the vibes you give off.  That’s the law of physics at the nano level.


Choose the way and the tribe of the peaceful warrior.  Resolve to “fight”  for unity and peace in your home.  Peacefully resolve all conflict that is in your personal world.  Show others around you how to be at peace within themselves.  Be an angel and be a role model to others around you.  These are my wishes for you, your family and those you love in 2009.



World Unity Flag

World Unity Flag

Here are some sites that might be of interest to you.  I just found out about the world unity flag.  How awesome is that?



http://www.worldunityflag.org/   Whoever we are, where-ever in the World we are…we share many of the same common needs, issues and concerns.Basic needs such as clean air, potable water, sufficient food, shelter from the elements, kinship, a sense of belonging and purpose and the means to provide for one’s family is universal.  Humanity is one family… “In Community, common unity …we are One”.“Unity is the Heart of CommUnity!”


Walk lightly on my beloved planet Earth!           




Affirmation:  I intend to have peace in my heart, my mind, my body and my soul.

I am only one,
But still I am one.
I cannot do everything,
But still I can do something;
And because I cannot do everything
I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.

(Edward Everett Hale)


I love my journey into myself.  Do you love your journey?  If not, then do the work to empower yourself!  If you found this helpful, then visit my website www.moonwomenspirituality.com.  If your want information on how the daily Moon and Sun energy affects you, your love and your relationships, visit www.astromoon.wordpress.com

Love Those Dating Relationships

Passion, deep hearted sighs, and drumbeat heart thumping when you see your beloved?  It’s daisy picking time!  He loves me, he loves me not.  Remember the love poem we sang as kids?  We all have picked the petals off daisies when we were teenagers trying to determine whether the latest man of our dreams loves us or not.  I don’t care whether you are 13, 23, 33, 53 or 73 years old, you still will experience the same unsure feelings when you are dating someone new. 


The only sure thing is that you will go through a step by step process of first adoring the new person in your life.  All you want to do is dream about him, talk about him incessantly to your closest friends and sit by the phone anxiously awaiting his call.  Your heart thumps wildly when you see him and blood easily rushes to your face.  During the next stage when you actually have gone out a few times, you begin to notice his human-ness.  Some things aren’t 100% perfect, but that’s okay too.  You have adjusted what you want out of the relationship and are still perfectly okay because he fits 85% of your criteria. 


During the third phase, you literally are at a cross roads.  You’ve been together for some time.  You are seeing cracks through the mask he puts on as his public face.  Can you live with the real person?  Your mask is also beginning to crack as he sees you in action when you do things together.  In this stage you are more willing to trust and show a deeper inner you that is a truer picture of who you are.  You have risked taking off your public face.  However, if you do not find he is honorable and trustworthy with some of your fragile feelings, your public mask soon returns.  This is the phase where you decide to stay with him or to leave.


During the fourth phase, your relationship deepens as your love deepens.  You have settled into a more lasting love that possibly can stand the test of time.  Deeper love feelings in relationships are based on four “must-have” qualities: trust, honorable great communication skills, and reliablility.

Love Calculator Questions  On a scale of 1-10 where 5 = average, 10 = the best

1.      how trustworthy is your sweetheart?

2.       How honorable is your sweetheart?

3.      How well do the two of you communicate about matters important to both of you?

4.      How reliable is he?  How reliable are you? 

Add up your love calculator.  If your score is 20 or less then you have a lot of work to do.  If your score is 28 or more, you are well on your way to a lasting relationship!

I love my journey into myself.  Do you love your journey?  If not, then do the work to change that!  If you found this helpful, then visit my website www.moonwomenspirituality.com or if your desire information on how horoscopes relate to love, visit www.wisewomaninwoods.blog.ca