Magical Mother’s Day Angels!

Celebrate the feminine side of you!  Each of us needs a safe person to talk to.  That’s the Mother archetype.  Mothering is something we all do, whether we are men or women.  We provide a Sacred Safe Place to others where they can come and whisper or weep about their pain.  Sometimes they come and we are just silent with them.  That’s okay for that is what they need at that moment in time. 


I want to thank each and every one of you for allowing your feminine side to come through to the people you treasure in your life.  We all have a very basic need of belonging to a tribe. We all NEED just one person who truly does care about our well being and who does not judge us.  You allow us to just be our true selves. You accept that it’s okay for “I AM me”.   

Friends are Pot of Gold

Friends are Pot of Gold


 I know those of you who visit my blog are just those kinds of people. I’m grateful you are on this earth and in our world.  Blessings to you all!  May you ride a magic carpet, sliding down rainbows to find the pot of gold at the bottom.  That true pot of gold is someone who accepts us for who we truly are!


A special Happy Mother’s Day to Jo who is grandmother to many she has adopted and my non judgmental mother!   Hooray Mum, this is your special day …  I’m so proud of you in your empowerment of yourself!  You are a role model for all of us who are blessed to know you. 



A mother understands what a child does not say.


Happy Mother’s Dance with angels and fairies in the Moonlight!

Wee!  Slide down a rainbow on your magic carpet!


Let’s increase the Love and vibrant energy of the planet!

Hugs and love from the Universe.



For more information on dealing with the energy around life, love and relationships, visit my blog at  If you are on a spiritual journey, you might also want to explore my website at

What Tribe do you Belong to?

 A 30 year old man died last night by his own hand.  It doesn’t matter how he chose to commit suicide.    He lived only for his drugs and partying.  Did he discover that his friends made through drugs and alcohol were shallow friendships?  We will never know.  He had no sense of purpose for the last decade of his life.  He had no true sense of belonging. 


Self actualize!

Self actualize!

A sense of belonging is a human fundamental emotional need.  We all have a need to feel needed by someone else, even if it is one single person.  That person validates us and makes us feel special.  We can then go forward with living a life on purpose. 




I am sad that this young man choose this route.  I have worked extensively with teens who did not complete suicide.  In all cases but one we were able to give them a sense of belonging to the tribe or to greater community.  But you see it ultimately is not up to any one of us to establish that sense of belonging for others.  They have to choose to belong to the tribe themselves.  They have to feel needed.


I am sad for this young man’s family whom I personally know.  They will live the rest of their lives questioning where they went wrong.  They didn’t do anything wrong.  It was his choice.  At any moment he could have chosen a different path, but he never took the multitude of opportunities that came his way. 


Love life!

Love life!

Frankly, I get angry at people who complete suicide.  They truly are the ultimate in being selfish.  They are not up to the challenge of grabbing onto the roller coaster ride of life.  They leave behind a legacy of guilt and tears in the people they supposedly love.  I have heard far too often from friends and family of suiciders.  Years later, the ones left behind feel guilty at not having done something. 




Hear this message loud and clear.  There is nothing you could have done.  It is a personal choice to opt out of life.  They have chosen to be the walking dead to begin with.  They have not truly been alive for some time.  That totally is their choice. Their choice is a permanent fix to a temporary problem.  The person who opts out of life by suicide usually does not want help.  The help is everywhere today.  They are too selfish to get it.  They fear more than they love life or love themselves. 



Reflection Questions! 

  1.  What tribes to do you belong to?
  2. What purpose do you have for living your life?
  3. How do you give to your community?
  4. What are at least four things you want to accomplish yet?


Affirmations and Intentions:  I intend to be grateful for living a life on purpose.

Bullies are Sociopaths & Psychopaths

Bullies in the Hood?  Bullies in your office?  Bullies in your family? Take back your Sacred Space.  Take back your Neighborhood! Use your mind-body-spirit connection to rid your world of these toxic bugs.  They are like pesky mosquitoes everywhere.  Visualize them as being a pesky mosquito and “slap” them mentally, emotionally and spiritually.    



I have worked with some pretty mean bullies in my lifetime.  The psychological literature shows that bullies are frequently our bosses.  They are found in every family.  They are found in every political party.  They are found in every neighborhood.  They are found in every club and organization.



Let me explain what their behavior means in psychological terms.  According to the DSMIV, they are officially one of two names either sociopaths or psychopaths.  They exhibit psychopathological behavior.  Yes, I know, you thought those were the people in jail who committed some unspeakable crime.  They too are sociopaths who have committed a crime they got caught for.  There are also sociopaths who frequently are white color workers or like I said, they live and breathe everywhere.  They clearly exhibit the same types of emotional and behavioral patterns that have put the others behind bars.  Like prisoners, they are prisoners within their own skin because of their choices. Some we call psychic vampires or soul vampires.  We totally feel drained when we are in their presence.  I have written about that earlier in this blog.




Nobody has every liked them since they were kids.  They are totally insecure.  Let me explain.  All of us want attention when we are children.  If we can’t get it in a positive way, then we become poorly behaved and get that attention in a negative way.  Take a look at any adorable 2 year old.  If they don’t get loving attention, they start screaming just so that someone will pay attention to them and their emotions.  So a bully is self-created by their own choice of how to act!



When it goes on for a long time, they learn the only way they can get attention from their peers is through bullying and intimidation.  They use manipulation to get others to bend to their will.  They use this energy of fear tactics because it is the only way they have any personal power.  The other way they get power is to get into a position of authority.  Then what absolute horrors they bring to all our lives. 



So what can we do about it?  One strategy I have already told you about.  Visualize and don’t run away.  Face them head on.  You see bullies do not like to be confronted.  They don’t know what to do if someone isn’t screaming or shouting back.  If you remain calm, cool and collected, they are totally unsure of themselves.  They feed off fear energy. 



Conversely, another more powerful strategy  is you can be an angel, but a firm angel.  First do the visualization so that you are changing the energy around you.  You’ll be giggling inside at least.  Then surround yourself with a golden colored cocoon so their negative energy won’t hurt you.  Next send them loving energy.  Wrap them tightly in warm soothing hugs and send them love energy.  That’s truly what they crave.  But you see, they do not love themselves.  If a person does not love themselves, they are incapable of ever loving anyone else.  We have to surround them in a multisensory way with love energy.  If you are an angel of light, you will do what you can to help this impoverished soul.  They are in such emotional pain. 



Personally, I feel sorry for the choices they have made for themselves during their life’s journey.  At any moment in time, these bullies can choose to change their own energy.  They too can choose to begin loving themselves.  This in turn will help them to loving others in a healthy way.  Be an angel.  Help them to change their energy if you are a healer and they want to change their energy.  These bullies are truly in their own personal self-created hell. 


Affirmations and Intentions:  I intend to teach others to change their attitudes when they are ready to love themselves.



Let’s increase the Love and vibrant energy of the planet!

Hugs and love from the Universe.



For more information on dealing with the energy around life, love and relationships, visit my blog at  If you are on a spiritual journey, you might also want to explore my website at 

 [M. Scott Peck, psychiatrist wrote his book, People of the Lie, explaining this in more depth.]

Love Relationship Suitcase

What are you packing in your life suitcase?  Who are you choosing to pack around with you?  Empower yourself!  You get to choose what those suitcases contain.  What colors of clothes do you want?  What size do you want? Have you recently changed your preferred colors or sizes?  Do you want to change the shoes you are taking?



Similarly, the people we have in our inner circle are those we pack with us in life.  Periodically we should check to see who we are packing in our suitcases of Life.  If your energy size has changed, then perhaps you can choose to only take along people who are more positive.  Perhaps you can choose to take along people who help you on the Life Path you are on right now.  Take a look at your past.  Are you still packing people from your past?  Perhaps it’s time to get a smaller suitcase and not pack them around anymore!



You see we are getting ready for a much needed vacation.  Last night a friend called and demanded to know why I have not called her recently in her hour of needing to hear about her latest lament.  Frankly, she has all the skills to deal with her issues.  Rather than use the skills and do the work for herself, she wants someone else to carry her and do her work for her.  Like many people who seem to prefer to live from negative crisis to crisis, she tries to be very demanding of my time.  So I decided not to pack her in my suitcase anymore.  I turned her problems back over to her to solve a couple of years ago.  It’s time for her to carry her own stuff. So now I call once a month to check in, instead of several times a week.



Is it easy to change the energy when we love different people in our lives?  NO!  It’s something I certainly struggle with.  Tough Love is never fun.  I need to be needed. But in this particular case, I love her enough to want her to empower herself and trust in her own decision making.  I love her enough to want her to pay attention to her own intuition and interpret her own dreams.  She needs to pay attention to her own coincidences, patterns and cycles of life.  All those signposts help to empower her in the direction on her Map of Life.  It’s time for her to be the lovely soul she came to this earth to be.  She needs to choose to live her life on her purpose and her intentions.  I love her enough to have her do the work on herself and to carry her own Life’s suitcase.  I love her enough for her to begin reading her own Map.



When your own energy has changed and you are choosing a more positive growth path for yourself, often you will find the old luggage still wants to hang around.  However, they no longer fit in your suitcase.  You’ve changed your colors into vibrant growth colors.  You are a different more pleasing energy size.  Very gently remove the old clothing from your luggage and give them to God and the universe to take care of.  If you are on a significant growth path, they will only weight you down.  Honey, even your Sherpa guide couldn’t possibly carry them all. 

Reflection Questions

1.  Where are you choosing to focus your passion and energy? 

2.  What is in your baggage or luggage?  Can you downsize?

3. Are you packing others, or packing yourself and your soul’s growth?

4.  Which 4 people are you going to put in your suitcase to accompany you on your Journey?



Affirmation:  I intend to pack my suitcase with people who are growth oriented.  I choose to spend my time on positive people who are actively moving forward.

Empower yourself!

Use the Law of Attraction, your vision board and

attract positive people into your life.

Now isn’t that a wonderful notion in motion

for your Life Map and Your Life suitcase?


 I love my journey into myself.  Do you love your journey?  If not, then do the work to empower yourself!  If you found this helpful, then visit my website www.moonwomenspirituality.comIf you desire information on how the energy of the Sun and Moon affect your life, career and love, visit my blog at  

4 Seasons of Love

There are 4 seasons to our Love and relationships.  I’m referring to loving yourself, loving your family, loving your friends and loving your partner.  I’m convinced that 4 seasons cycle holds true in many different areas of our lives.  I believe we were giving the 4 seasons as a blueprint for those cycles that we can detect in our lives.  Think about this and apply it to yourself!  This can assist in your cycle of transformation and change which those who seek continual growth go through.


So if I’m truly engaged and active and upbeat, there will be a time in my life when my rhythm has to be the valley where I go deep inside and am quiet.  That gives me the balance. That does not mean I have lost the thing I am passionate about.  It means I have to experience the quietness of that passion to take it to a new level. 



In the spring of the year, all seeds are bursting forth with newness and growth and vivid color.  The smell is different.  The colors are different.  All the senses are alert and alive.  Similarly, our passion for someone or something we love has to have seeds that burst forth.  During the newness or the beginnings of that love, our senses are like those of the springtime.


In the summer, the colors change.  They grow deeper as the flowers mature.  Much of the plants energy goes into creating these flowers and this beauty to attract the birds and the bees which help pollinate the plant.  Similarly in our relationships, we put a lot of energy into the love we have for another during the summer of that relationship.  We explore ideas together, we do things together, we spend a lot of time watering and feeding one another’s soul. 


In the fall the rhythm of life changes.  We no longer need the bright colors to attract birds and bees.  The fruit is developing nicely.  This is similar to love energy.  It has been pollinated and is maturing.  It will be sustained if we have nurtured it, weeded out the stuff that doesn’t work for us both and fed the relationship with good topsoil of conversations and experiences. Our relationship has ripened and matured by a level of truth, honesty, trust and understanding.


In the winter, we tend to be quieter in our relationship.  It’s not hibernating, but is sustained under that lovely snowy blanket of white that holds everything we hold dear together.  That snowy blanket is woven through the love fabric of emotions that continue to water our love through both good times and others.  So sometimes we get a total new dusting of snow and at other times we get slush.  So what, our blanket of love is woven tightly enough to endure.  If we are very wise, we are planning together for the next phase or cycle of our lives.  We are deepening our relationship.  While this appears to be a quiet time, in fact life is teeming underneath the white mask we present to the outer world.  This is a time of introspection and quiet rhythms of day to day normal life with our partner or with our friends.  They accept us as we are.


We need the quietness of winter where everything is sleeping before we can burst forth with a new spring growth!  It comes full circle once again.  Wise ones will tell you that you need to continually work at your relationship to sustain it, to make it a perennial plant.  I want to suggest you look at having 4 seasons in your love relationship!


Reflection Questions Love Quiz:  Examine your relationships and friendships pattern. 

  1. What do you typically do in the spring of any relationship?
  2. List 4 words to describe your actions in the summer phase of relationships.
  3. List 4 words to describe your behavior in the fall or autumn of relationships.
  4. In what season is your relationship with yourself, with your friends, with your honey?

Affirmation:  I intend to allow myself my natural cycle of relationships!

Instead of looking for love, give it;

constantly renew it in yourself and

you will always feel its presence within you.

It will always be there smiling at you,

gazing on you kindly.

(Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov)


I love my journey into myself.  Do you love your journey?  If not, then do the work to empower yourself!  If you found this helpful, then visit my website www.moonwomenspirituality.comIf your want information on how the daily Moon and Sun energy affects you, your love and your relationships, visit

Friendship & Birds of a Feather

Birds of a feather flock together.  Family is important.  Friendships are important.  You are who your friends are.  Friends usually hang out together because they share similar interests and have lots to discuss they find of mutual interest.


A friend of mine recently was lamenting how some of her family and friends seemed to be like sponges, soaking up her time, and her good will.  She is such a kind hearted person, opening her doors to one and all.  However as a result, she feels drained emotionally by these vultures. They come to pick away at her soul kindness and her generous spirit.


However, it is her choice.  If she chooses to stay grounded with the turkeys by putting energy into them, then that’s what she gets.    Turkeys fatten easily because they don’t do anything.  They have tiny wee brains that tell them to be lazy. 


Woodpecker chipping away at your emotions

Woodpecker chipping away at your emotions

She will continue to have the vultures around her.  Vultures just feed off everyone else refusing to do anything for themselves.  She can choose woodpeckers pecking away at her good will unless she establishes some clear cut boundaries for herself.  By filling in the Circle of Friendship areas, she can clearly see who she should be willingly spending her free time with.  You’ll notice the vultures, turkeys and woodpeckers flock around you particularly when the Moon is in a water sign.  Empower yourself!  Be aware of the Emotional energy that is out there day by day by checking out my astrology blog!







Eagle Leader

Eagle Leader

She can choose to soar with the eagles.  Those are her friends who are kind and peaceful as she is.  Those eagles are soaring above the clouds since they raised their consciousness level.   Eagles are the leaders in our society.  They often soar alone.









Geese support

Geese support

She can choose to fly with the geese.  Geese are supportive of one another as they fly in the same direction.  That’s the key.  They lift one another up and have a similar purpose in life.  That’s why they fly in a V for victory formation.











Wise Owl

Wise Owl

She can choose the wisdom of the owl who hoots only once in awhile.  The owl is renowned for its silent wisdom and is Athena’s goddess of wisdom’s friend.  Owl flies silently and only speaks occasionally.  Be a wise owl and fill in your circle of friends today!



Reflection Questions:  Friendship quiz ~ what kind of bird are your friends?

1.  turkey

2.  vulture

3.  woodpecker

4.  eagle

5.  goose

6.  owl

If you are not surrounding yourself with eagles, geese and owls, why not?  Love yourself!  This is not pampering, it’s called survival!  Set clear boundaries for your friendships.  Put energy only into those friendships that support you in your journey through life! 


I love my journey into myself.  Do you love your journey?  If not, then do the work to empower yourself!  If you found this helpful, then visit my website  If your want information on how the daily Moon and Sun energy affects you, your love and your relationships, visit


Circle of Friends

Circle of Friends

4 Love Notes to Bridge Life’s Loss!

Love notes to life!  Bridge that pain one day at a time.  Find life once again. It’s just on the other side of the bridge.  Love is the highest energy of the universe.  So find some form of love that will carry you across the bridge away from your painful emotions. 




Grief and loss is part of life’s journey. Sometimes our world is turned upside down seemingly in the blink of an eye.  Someone or a pet we love leaves us.  Our best friend won’t talk to us anymore. A job is suddenly over.  We move whether it’s across the city, across the country or across the world.   Our life circumstances change dramatically and we feel stressed.  Our world is no longer vibrant and alive.  In fact our world seems to be painted shades of gray and we are depressed. When any one of these life incidents happen to us, we need to take control of our emotions otherwise we can spiral emotionally downward pretty rapidly.



How can we stop that downward spiral?  Change the energy around you.  Empower yourself! Look in the mirror into your soul.  Your eyes are windows to your soul.  Say it 10 times in the morning.  Say it 10 times at lunch.  Say it 10 times before your go to bed.  Daily, tell yourself these 4 things until you feel better once again.  Repeat these affirmations throughout your day whenever you are feeling down.


  1. I love you. 
  2. I can do this. 
  3. Today is a new day. 
  4. I choose new energy around me.


Think of something you positively love doing.  Then choose one thing and force yourself to do it.  I know it’s not easy, but it stops the spinning down for today. Focus only on feeling better, just for today. Cross that bridge and start living life!



 Reflection Questions to Change Your Energy

1.  What are 10 things I usually love to do?

2.  Who makes me smile or makes me laugh so I can change this energy?

3.  What makes me smile or laugh usually?

4.  What music makes you grin?  Dance!  Be silly and change your energy!



There are a thousand different paths to love.

Everyone will find his or her own way,

if s/he listens to his or her heart.

(Leo Buscaglia; Love)


I love my journey into myself.  Do you love your journey?  If not, then do the work to empower yourself!  If you found this helpful, then visit my website  If your want information on how the daily Moon and Sun energy affects you, your love and your relationships, visit

Rainbow Bridge to Love

Rainbow Bridge to Love

Spirituality Earth Love & Smiles

Spider Woman is spinning her web and connecting all of us around Mother Earth.  Relationships are built in diverse ways now that we have the internet.  I believe that blogging enables us to connect with people who keenly are interested in things we also are interested in. 


I’m very grateful for the spiritual connections to others since I choose to live in a remote area of the world.  When I hear from others who mirror some of my beliefs, it brings a smile to my soul.  It reminds me of how we are linked together now in our endeavors to raise the consciousness of others for the greater good.  Universal and global consciousness changes the world into a better place!  Smiles around the Earth … oh yah!  What a concept to help change this world to be a more peaceful place for all of us.!  That helps the Law of Attraction to a better life for all of us on this planet!


Many people touch us and  bring love and light and laughter into our lives. Whenever I’m responding to  them I’m getting this visual image.  Now if I was an artist, I would try to draw what I really want.  Here is my computer rendition, as we all reach around the world smiling at one another!  Angel blessings and hugs to you!


Smiles around Earth

Smiles around Earth

Dance in the Moonlight with a smile!

For more information on how the Moon changing signs shifts our love and relationships, visit my blog at Astromoon Woman,  If you are on a spiritual journey, you might also want to explore my website at 

Manifest Your Ideal Soul Mate & Friendships

It is prime time for manifesting the ideal man or the ideal woman you want as your soul mate.  Similarly, if you want close reliable friendships to manifest in your life, then you need to learn about loving yourself first!



Bake a Perfect Partner Cake! 

So who is this heavenly partner you are going to manifest?  Before you can possibly bring your ideal person into your life, you must be clear on what qualities he or she should have.  It’s like baking a cake.  What are the main ingredients?  In other words, what do you answer to the following?

a.      4 ingredients or qualities you absolutely need to have in a partner or friend

b.      4 qualities or characteristics that would be nice to have – icing on the cake!

c.      4 qualities I absolutely do NOT want – it would ruin my cake!


Here is a list of the first 10 ingredients or qualities that you might want to consider to get you started:

Assertiveness         caring          cleanliness             commitment

Compassion             confidence    consideration         cooperation

                    Courage                 courtesy



Reflection Questions! 

  1. Make a list of 10 or more people who are closest to you whom you love.
  2. Who of those people do you trust to be in your inner circle of deep friendship? Put them in the category of Friends # 1
  3. Who does not make your inner circle of loving people who support you when life has its dark moments? Put them in the mental category of Friends # 2
  4. Who are you focusing your time energy on?   Friends #1 or Friends #2
  5. Love yourself first.  How on earth can you possibly take care of others if you do not take care of you?  On a scale of 1 – 10 how well did you pamper yourself and love yourself yesterday?  If you are not at least at a 6, then start pampering yourself today!


Once you are clear with yourself as to what qualities you want, put those words into affirmations for your manifesting or vision board.  Then say them every day at the beginning of your day or just before you go to sleep.  The Law of Attraction and the Universe will bring people with these awesome characteristics into your world.  Empower yourself with your Vision Board of your ideal world.  You get to choose!


Affirmation:  My ideal partner has these qualities of ________.  He or she is in my world now.  I’m grateful to the universe for bringing my ideal partner to me.  S/he resonates with the qualities I need to bake my perfect partnership cake!



For it was not into my ear you whispered,

But into my heart.

It was not my lips you kissed,

But my soul.

(Judy Garland)



I love my journey into myself.  Do you love your journey?  If not, then do the work to empower yourself!  If you found this helpful, then visit my website  If your want information on how the daily Moon and Sun energy affects you, your love and your relationships, visit

5 CHART Secrets to Ideal Man or Woman Relationship

We all want to chart our way to the ideal relationship with a partner.  Whether you are looking for the ideal man or the ideal woman in a relationship, there is a road map or chart to growing that relationship.  The same holds true for growing a fabulous friendship!



First you find someone worthy of you and then apply the CHART acronym and principles below.  If you don’t have any of these five fundamental foundation keys, your relationship will wither and die.  When one practices, the spiritual principles of the law of attraction, one manifests a partner whose energy mirrors your own.  In my experience in counseling as well as growing my own marriage, I have found these secret keys to make a relationship not only thrive, but also come alive!



C ommunication.  Talk about the little things as well as the big things!

H onesty.  The ability to trust your partner enough to be 100% honest

A ttitude of a cup half full.  In other words, a positive reframing attitude.

R espect for each others strengths and weaknesses.  We all have both. 

T rust.  If you take the “t” off you get rust and then you have dust!


Recently a woman married for 10 years with 3 kids told me she was ready to throw in the towel and end her marriage.  To all outward appearances, she has it all with a successful husband, a nice home and luxury of being a stay-at-home mother.  Now I happen to know this successful workaholic husband adores his wife and kids.  So what was missing?  The only element from the CHART was communication.  Hubby was too busy to listen to what was important to his wife and acknowledge her emotional needs.  She needed to be heard.  Communication has two elements to it.  One of these is to be heard and the other is to speak.  Both pieces have to be in place before you have communication and both man and woman have to have their say as well as their hearing. 




Reflection Questions Love Quiz On a scale of 1-10 rate yourself.  5 = average, 10 is top of the scale.

  1. communication – how well do I listen? 
  2. communication –  Do I feel like I am heard by my partner?
  3. honesty – how much can you honestly tell to your honey?
  4. attitude – how frequently do you show that you are contented to be with your main squeeze?  Are you positive or negative?
  5. respect – strengths, gifts and talents – do you support these in your partner?
  6. respect – weaknesses – do you make allowances for these? 
  7. trust – how well can you trust the person you love?  What percentage of the time?

If you scored 5 or less on any one of these areas, you have some major work to do on your relationship.  The higher you score the better quality relationship you have.  A note of caution to all of you is that a relationship has to be constantly watered with CHART elements or it withers and blows away in the dust!  CHART holds true for quality friendships as well.



May the hinges of love never rust

nor the wings of friendship lose a feather

(Jack Frost, 2008)


I love my journey into myself.  Do you love your journey?  If not, then do the work to empower yourself!  If you found this helpful, then visit my website  If your want information on how the daily Moon and Sun energy affects you, your love and your relationships, visit